Saturday, July 07, 2007 not so always....

7/7/07 .....ramai berkenduri dan berkahwin aaaa...tarikh nie....semoga bahagia selamanya.

Bz again for Ijoy...I have put ur link in my links directory....sebelah kanan blog nie....tak banyak isu...cuma been bz....pasal work n stuff.... have 2 jumble all at the same time. But quite rewarding.....

how about u all out there?
We are nearing our independant day. Are we independent?
Independant need bravery....not as a group but much individually treat.
Cultural shock? Follow the crowd ? Please do the best for urself........

That's all for now.

Take care u all.


Ijoy said...

apasal semakin tak terjage bloke ko ni. dah nak bersare ke?

The Shadow said...

Aisyik bz, je...bila tak bz ni? Buat entry bankyak sikit boleh, ke?