Friday, March 03, 2006

Germany n toinks..harga minyak

Unseren Zielen sind keine Grenzen gesetzt .

( Pencapaian kami tiada hadnya )

Harga minyak naik..........lagi .
next year 2007...naik lagi....
the people will suffer......

cybercafe..kena tutup awal am 1 o'clock...
how 2 cari makan like this...
the tariff electricity will rise....
government....u should think very hard for the people......

dun just treaten d people...said...the oil will finish 2010........
as the government sector....u all kerja bukan untuk gaji sendiri aje..not for d government low interest loan....plan...not for pencen....epf sentiasa dijamin for all that....u should aware u are workin for d country la....d country.......if this country hancur...dun xpect u can lari kemana pon.......

the government..start being very creative......please......people are suffering..dun expect people are stupid..nowdays.....jangan nak bodek masa pilihanraya aje......

all u politician..bukan nak isi poket sendiri aje kot....duit dlm bank ade 10 juta rm dah la....nak beraper banyak lagi......????? nak buat aper duit lebih rm 10 juta...nak beli nyawa ker...bole hidup lama ker...??? if ur sin dengan d best medicine money can buy..dun xpect u can live la....u know...ur own....okies.

take care.


princessren said...

hahaha berpolitik engko yek. hehe... sabar. pakai lrt jerlah macam saya :P

A. S. said...

yo la...pakai lrt la..atau aku kayuh basikal jer....senang cerita..hahhahaha..