Friday, March 31, 2006

Tagged By Princessren 2006.

tag . takper... here goes:

Four (latest) jobs I've had:alamak... latest? nih yang payah nih sebab i work on my own but kalu in previous years adalah i jadi pager operator kat Skytel , jualan langsung emmm..jual barang yang assalamualaikum bang..saya ada barang nie...., pam attendant trainee..hahha and erm, takder dah kot...hahhaa.....

Four movies (+ 1) I can watch over and over:1. Top Gun 2. Something About Mary 3. Indiana Jones's Movies 4. emm..tak ingat aaa.....but mostly suke tgk pandangan mengenai hidup la....n mostly cerita kelakar lah, i can watch up to 5 times max*

Four places I've lived:1. Penang . 2. Ampang 3. Shah ALam (uitm)4. KL

Four TV shows I love:1. Travel n Leisure . 2.Oliver's Naked Chef 3. TVp/Tv I.Q . 4.MOndo Magic../ David blaine * . balik rumah, mandi, and sleep...

*Four places I've vacationed:1. Phuket. 2. Beijing 3. Dubai 4. Genting..hahaha....P.D. ...bangkok..thailand.......

(Four of my favorite dishes:1. tomyam campur pedas giler 2. sushi with benda hijau tu....pedas giler 3. lamb chop kat western cafe 4. my mum's cooking microwave mee.....sedap giler...

Four sites I visit daily:1. my blog of course2. princessren 3. wat intrest me that moments 4. and some other sites not worth mentioning here ....hahhaaa......

Four places I would rather be right now:

1. at home, sleeping on my bed 2. in a room ..resting..... alone 3.....planning to merger companies n see wat hapen with d future 4. just cruisin in a car.....looking ...lepas tu pergi gerai ker ker...sedap punya..makan..hahaha....

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